Standard 8 contributes to the profession: I contributed with haida singing and dancing which is something not all teachers can do. I also planned on teaching haida language which not a lot of other teachers can do either. I became ill and could not attend due to covid regulations and getting a covid test. I had teh students do : raven, eagle, bear, men’s and women’s dance. One girl Farrah lead teh girls and she was so proud. She came up and hugged me and said thanks for letting me lead. Really it was the teacher who was dancing as well who said lets follow Farrah, I did agree. I contribute what I could from my experience. This is something not any person can do. I grew up with these songs and dances and because my dad is haida there are certain songs I can sing. I learned that i need to be firm on my expectations of them while they are dancing and that I might need to stop singing if I see students being disrespectful or making fun of the dance. With First Peoples Principles of Learning as well I contribute to the profession very much so!
Now, I will continue to share my culture and language in the classroom and ensure these student’s are respectful when I do so by coming up with consequences before hand.
Standard 1 Educator value the success of all students. Educators care fore students and act in their best interests: I checked in with all students while teaching and helped when needed. I was concerned about the student’s who have special needs and who weren’t on task. There was one student in particular who had multiple diagnoses and needed one on one support. Next time i will study the IEP’s carefully and make sure the EA is helping the students who need it most. When there are multiple needs and students who have experienced trauma in the class it is difficult to teach. I did a good job of incorporating the FIrst Peoples Principles of learning by using indigenous stories and culture.